82407 Series

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  • The average noise level is lower than -132dBm/Hz/-130dBm/Hz/-120dBm/Hz/-115dBm/Hz/-110dBm/Hz/-120dBm/Hz.
  • 82407/A/B/C/D: The maximum outline dimension is less than 72mm×26mm×112mm, (82407R:120mm×85mm×240mm);
  • The smart USB interface is used to interconnect with the host, so as to enable automatic identification of spread spectrum module and automatic configuration of frequency conversion loss and other functions. 

82407 series frequency extending module products are designed for millimeter wave spread spectrum measurement of signal/spectrum analyzer. This series frequency extending module can also be used as the front end of millimeter wave signal receiver. The standard rectangle waveguide of corresponding band is used for the input interface of 82407 series frequency extending module. 2.4mm and SMA female coaxial adapters (3.5mm coaxial adapters are used for 82407R LO input and IF output) are used for LO input and IF output respectively.


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