The Importance of Monitoring NER Integrity
The Importance of Monitoring NER Integrity
A Neutral Earthing Resistor (NER) plays an important role in an electrical environment and is one of the most effective ways to maximise personnel safety. Continual monitoring is imperative to detect resistor failure with or without an earth fault present.
An open NER renders current-sensing earth-fault protection inoperative. This could result in a false belief that the system is functioning properly.
Failure of an NER could increase the chance of an arc flash hazard and transient over voltages, meaning more downtime for repairs.
The Littelfuse NER monitoring relays (SE-330, SE-330AU & SE-330HV) will continually monitor the integrity of an NER. This provides continuous monitoring of the neutral-to-earth path to verify that the NER is intact. If the NER were to fail, the NER relay will shut off power to protect.
The NER relay can interface into any system voltage from 110V to 66kV via a Sensing Resistor. Sensing Resistors are rated at 600V, 5kV, 15kV, 25kV, 35kV and 72kV.
How does it work?
The NER relay will inject a small alternating DC signal via the Sensing Resistor (shown by red arrowed path on SE-330AU injection signal below). This injection signal will then propagate down through the NER and return to the relay.
The NER relay will then calibrate up to this loop and measure any resistance variations of the NER that might indicate failure or loss of integrity. There is also a secondary protection feature of monitoring fault current through the NER via a current transformer.
Without continuous NER monitoring there is no indication that the system has become ungrounded. Operators would not be aware that current-sensing ground-fault protection is no longer operational and that the risk of transient over voltages exists.
Features & Benefits
- The SE-330AU NER integrity function complies with AS/NZS 2081.8.2011.
- Outputs include four relay outputs, and an analog output.
- A mini USB port is included to view measured values, configure settings, and check event records.
- An on-board micro SD card can be used for long-term data logging.
- Network communications options are available.
- For non-AS/NZS 2081 applications, see the SE-330 or SE-330HV.
Data Logging Made Easy
Detailed data log via Laptop connection
Want to know more?
View the Case Study at Dugald River Zinc Mine
Lean More about Neutral Earthing Resistor Monitors
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Top FAQs
A protection relay is a device that receives inputs typically from current transformers CT’s (but can be other sources) and then compares these inputs to set levels. If these inputs exceed the set levels a protection relay can then provide that information via display or indication, feed that information to other electronic control devices or it can be connected to a circuit breaker to isolate power.
Yes, currently Fuseco can offer both earth leakage and NER relays that are compliant to AS2081:2011. The relay manufacturer (Littelfuse) is also currently in the final stages of development for an AS2081:2011 compliant continuity relay that we expect to release in the near term.
An arc fault is a type of electrical fault that results from the breakdown of an insulating medium between two conductors where the energy is enough to sustain an arc across the insulator (often air) and can cause extreme amounts of light (arc flash), immense heat upwards of 19,000 degrees, and a resulting explosive pressure wave (arc blast). By using a relay that has optical sensors we can detect the flash of light the emanates from an Arc Flash and within 1 msec send a signal to a breaker to interrupt power. Because of the immense energy being released by an Arc Flash reaction time is critical. It can be seen on the graph that with a relay reaction time of only 1 msec (+ circuit breaker reaction time) we can interrupt power before the Arc Flash can result in critical damage.
An arc-flash happens when electric current flows through an air gap between conductors. There are several ways this can happen but the most common occurrence is when conductor insulation is worn or broken down.
The most important aspects of arc-flash relays are:
- reaction time
- trip reliability
- ease of installation
- sensor flexibility
- software
- sensor design
- avoidance of nuisance tripping
- scalability
To gain a deeper understanding of which features to consider when selecting an arc-flash relay please refer to the downloadable application guides.
Arc-flash relays are a necessary component in an electrical cabinet because they reduce the amount of incident energy in the system. While an arc-flash relay cannot prevent an arc flash from happening, it will protect critical assets and workers’ safety by reducing the severity of the flash. An arc-flash relay is an integral part of an arc-flash protection scheme that can minimize damage, and save money, time, and lives.
Three phase power systems are most often solidly earthed, however by using a Neutral Earthing Resistor (NER) a power system can be resistance earthed. This is done so that if an earth fault were to occur the amount of fault current will be limited by the NER resistance. One potential problem with a resistance earthed system is; what happens if the NER goes open circuit due to damage? If this were to happen the power system has now changed from a resistance earthed system to a system with no earth reference (floating). Now the NER is no longer restricting the amount of fault current and other devices that rely on an earth reference in order to operate, cannot do so. By using a NER monitoring relay the resistance and integrity of a NER can be continually monitored to detect for any variance in the NER resistance or integrity.
An earth fault can occur as a result of inadvertent contact between and energized conductor and earth or equipment frame. There can also be earth leakage from a system without “inadvertent contact”. This type of fault can be called capacitive earth leakage and it is caused by a capacitive effect between a high power conductor and earth. Small amount of earth leakage current can occur as a result of this capacitive effect. Whether it is smaller amounts current from capacitive earth leakage or larger amounts of current from direct inadvertent contact an earth leakage relay can detect this fault current. In all electrical circuits, current returns to its source. An earth fault relay can use a zero sequence CT to monitor phase current to ensure that all current coming from the source returns on those same conductors or it can monitor current in the connection between transformer neutral and earth. By either method the earth leakage relay detect any lost current to earth.

Hi Tim, just wanted to thank you and the Fuseco team for your help. You've managed to help us solve some nagging issues here and the Littelfuse SE-330AU relay installation has saved us a lot of time. Thanks!
Mark Sherman
PGS Silver, Queensland

Just wanted to send a note of thanks to you guys. When it comes to relays, your advice & service is high level & appreciated. Cheers.
Jesse Marshall
Newcrest WA

The Littelfuse SE-701 & the CT's are functioning well. Thanks guys, really appreciate your help. Good to work with people you can rely on.
Cliff Peligro
Alpha Coal, Queensland
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